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⊰Brittany Wolf⊱
This blog is dedicated to
my creatures and my WIP's
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to leave comments :)


Quick design look (from previous)

excuse the gritty-ness of the photo- was taken with my 3DS XD 

Just to show my design process. I first make a small list of elements used, and make a quick sketch and use colors to decide what I want and where. I try to have fur already in mind so its easier to try and track down what to buy. This one is a rather good example- the grey for the underbelly I couldnt find the right length for, so I dyed a white fur I had already to that color using Acrylics. I might post a tutorial about it but I'm sure in the meantime you can just google how X3.

When it comes to painting the face I constantly change my mind on what I want til I get to the actual painting process. Adding elements like gems and symbols tend to happen at this stage more often then on paper. Also what beads and gems I have on hand sometimes work their way in better then ones that I think up.

Anyone interested in designs before the finish doll? I think I might do that...

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